English below
summer spoonについてお知らせです。
<summer spoon変更点 2021年3月より>
・取り扱いカラー ランダム
・販売期間 期間限定(在庫限りの売り切り式)
・価格 2200円(税込)
・サイズ 15cm 前後。材料の無駄を減らすため、バランスが崩れない程度±の幅を以前より大きくします。
2月28日まで 現在の規格での販売。在庫に限りがあります。無くなり次第終了です。
3月前半 現行規格品の訳ありセールをオンラインで行います。
→追記:3/13 13:00販売開始予定。
3月末 新規格で最初の販売開始予定
→追記:3/31 プレビュー開始、4/3販売開始予定。
Important notice about the summer spoon!
To all costumers and supporters.
We have had a problem with raw materials for the summer spoons, have been trying hard to find the way to fix it but now we need to change the specification of the summer spoon… Also the price changes due to the change of raw materials.
We apologize to all customers for sudden changes, specially who had been waiting for the restock.
We do our best to keep making them with beautiful color combinations, hope you will enjoy new summer spoons as well !!
<The changes after March>
Ramdomly picked colors form what we can get at time. First batch will go with colors in the picture below. Could be same color combinations as before if the stock of material allow us.
-The way of selling
We only open the page when we have enough stocks, and when they all gone, we close it until next batch.
We are not sure how much materials we can get so for a while, only sell at the official webshop (stores.jp) or events (market or POP UP at the store)
2000 JPY excluding tax
could be a wider range so we will not waste the materials :)
Until end of February : You can shop at our online store (stores.jp/creema/minne)
Early in March : 2nd quality sale for old summer spoon at the official webshop (sotres.jp)
End of March : We are expecting to open the page for first batch of new summer spoon.